

Still based in London and a true city chick, Kate Bentley was born within the sound of Bow Bells and has thrived on the smell of pollution ever since.

IMG_1760It took her a while to find her passion in life, but Blogging is it.


After taking a rather circus route via Professional Violinist and co-owner of  a fashion label, she’s got there in the end and is very happy to delight in the feast of wonder that the design world –  vintage and modern, British and International – has to offer. IMG_2486IMG_2743Kate can also turn her hand to mixed media art works and doesn’t take a bad photo..in fact, with an additional love of writing she thinks she may just’ve stumbled on the single job in the whole world that finally pulls all her talents together.  Just a shame that her rather fine flying staccato is no longer required.

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A mother of two gorgeous children she’s a bit bemused as to why, now that she’s no longer a musician and finally has money to spend, everything is advertised to her via the medium of youth?  Much as she loves the young, she refuses to believe that true style has a sellby date.  She sincerely believes that women come in all shapes and sizes and that many of her older icons are some of the most stylish women she knows – so why does the commercial world ignore them?


As the soap box is now well and truly out – she also believes in sustainable fashion, bringing manufacturing back to the UK and buying less but buying better. IMG_1812

But Kate loves her designer labels and appreciates the artistic workmanship and talent that are the lifeblood of every brand.IMG_2575She has a dream of a beautiful capsule wardrobe filled with the most exquisite bits of crafted design made by true artisans that she could lovingly hand onto the next generation, re-telling a story for each piece.

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Only time will tell if her dream can come true.


  1. C.C.

    Hi there! thank you very much for liking my post! i have to say your photos are really impressing! i’m also fashion addicted! hope we will have chance to work together! xx

  2. feminet

    Hello Kate, thank you for all the likes, I wanted to tell you they are highly appreciated. Love your creative soul and your beautiful family. x

  3. jfpacigado

    Hello Kate, thanks for liking my blog post. You really got some awesome set of photographs and really enjoyed reading some of your posts. I am now could really learn a lot of things here in the fashion genre. Keep it up.

  4. Pingback: I was nominated for an award! | The Disney Fashionista
  5. motherhendiaries

    Hiya! It’s me, Mother Hen… just letting you know I have nominated you for a string of 3 awards (you may already have some of them, I don’t know) – feel free to accept any or all of them (or not) – it’s up to you, really. I have included links to your blog from my post in any case. I totally understand if you are too busy/overwhelmed/bored/can’t be bothered to share the love forward, but I figure cross-promotion and the possibility of new traffic to your site can’t be a bad thing in any case. But if you don’t want to, that’s perfectly fine… no offense taken, and I surely hope none given!

    Here’s the link… have fun! http://motherhendiaries.wordpress.com/2014/04/22/you-mean-people-actually-read-this-stuff/

    Mother Hen

  6. maggi toner-edgar

    Love the blog especially the stuff about women being what they want to be and the Fashion Industry moving back to the UK a bit more – buying less but better all of which is in my ebook too. Kindred spirit!

  7. My Perfect Breakdown

    I have been invited by a friend of mine to participate in a blog hop for women in writing. Like me, she is a fellow RPL/infertility blogger, but not everyone involved is related to infertility (I actually think most are not). This is just a way to connect female bloggers across all communities. Anyway, as I love your blog, I am wondering if you would like to participate? Below are links to my friend’s blog hop post and the post preceding hers. If you’re interested in participating, can you send me your a photo of you and a short bio? My email address is myperfectbreakdown@gmail.com. You can see my bio in my friend’s post for reference. I would like to put my post up by the end of next week, and then I think you have a week or so to put your post up after mine.

    If you are interested, after I post my post with your bio, then you just have to write a brief description about why you write and answer the questions in bold. Be sure to include pics and bios for 2-3 people who you invite to participate.

    What do you think? Is this something you would want to do? If you have more questions, just let me know.

    Here are the links:

    My friend’s post indicating that I’m posting nextt:

    The post preceding hers:

    And the one before that:

  8. zareenn3

    Hey Kate!
    Thank you so much for dropping by my blog and reading my post 🙂
    I have to say, your blog is truly amazing. I have never met anyone as crazy for art as you. But you really have an eye for artistic things. I viewed some posts and they were all pretty informative with attractive pictures. A very good job, I must say. Count me as your follower 🙂

  9. morenafresca

    Hello there! Thanks so much for visiting my blog! I’m glad you liked “yarn flowers and wooden boxes” on morenafresca.wordpress.com !! You have got a lovely blog and a unique voice. Hope you come back for updates coming soon!

  10. Jack Crispy

    Your photos are truly stunning and your children are beautiful. I would love to have hair the color that your daughter has! I look forward to reading more of your posts. Thanks for visiting and liking mine too! 🙂

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