Bank holiday x


What a difference a day makes..from snow to sun burn.  Righting the wrongs of too many Bank Holiday weekends the weather was glorious and a siren call for the outdoors.  We headed to Morden Hall Park, a National Trust property at the end of the Northern line which provides a beautiful link between urban and wild.  Look closely..and you can see a heron…(really closely – he was bigger in real life..honest)


Or bee keepers tending their hives.


We were there for the May Fayre, a wonderful mash of mystique and rural from terrier racing to sheep sheering to duck herding and tie dye t-shirts.  It’s a bit of a favourite.


(Charlie running off to race against the terriers.  The terriers won..)

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A bit of fence wattling?


Or just watch from the shade..


Charlie holding his wallet.  Yes, that be a sock with a knot..

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There were also some great stalls, from food to alpaca blankets.  I fell for these Chinese shoes..


They have that folksy vibe but with a cool cut: The wedge heel with the ankle tie just make them. The red ones had a slight heel but come much further up the ankle.  Super cool and super win.


Meanwhile today is the day the flooring goes down in the cellar..and then it gets transformed.  At the mo all the shelves are still filled with the residue from all the decorating..this will go…very soon..Of course I’m still waiting for the fitter to arrive. I do my friend Pauline’s shopping for her on a Tuesday as she’s house bound..and I have a friend coming round for lunch that I would love to buy supplies for…. but why would a workman ever be prompt?? Except my wonderful Polish builders who proved that it’s possible…


Not that we haven’t been using the cinema room – we couldn’t miss Game of Thrones – all hail John Snow! But camping chairs really don’t cut it..

Laters, Kate x

One comment

  1. jackiemallon

    You’re a juggler, girl. I do miss a Bank Holiday Monday and a jaunt out if the weather’s fair. Love your cinema room, posh tart XO